Here was the old...
And here is the new!
I picked the kids up early from day care last week and took them to see my new digs. They had not yet seen my office at all, so I thought it would be cool for them to get a glimpse of my daily environment, and I could show the kids off to some of my lingering co-workers. When I told them where we were going, they were less than thrilled. But I reminded them about the ICEE machine in our break room and that I work for a cookie company. Suddenly, we were on the road to Disneyland! Once there, they were impressed with several things:
The Elevator
The cookie showcase in the lobby (old, display product only - sorry!)
The maze of empty cubes
The views of the Salt Lake valley (they are quite nice)
Blue Raspberry ICEEs
A cookie from this one nice guy
A piece of candy from this one nice lady
This foam la-z-boy phone holder promotional item
So to summarize: Steve works in this building with a huge elevator, and they have this cookie thing and we got ICEEs and a treat from the really nice people who work there, and he has this phone thing that looks like a chair. Geez, who needs school? We want to go to work, too!
The kids were a hit, and everyone was extremely warm and friendly. The best moment was when my boss began chatting with Z, the talkative one, and asked her if she had ever been to the office before.
Z: "Yeah, um, well no, we just picked up Steve once but we didn't come in."
Me: "When was that? You must have been with Mom."
Z: "No, we were with Heidi. Remember, it was when you got in the car and you farted."
Co-workers nearby but out of sight: "snicker"
Boss: "Ohhhhh, OK."
Me: "Wow, Z, thanks for that great story." [turn to boss] "That one has no filter!"
I'm always shocked at how well the kids remember certain events. I barely recalled being picked up by Heidi and the kids, much less breaking wind (accidentally... what?) Good good times.
Glad to see you got rid of the pesky "Blow Goo" paraphernalia in your new office.
Wrong-o, HPL. The M Go Blue stuff is there on the window sill (not pictured), and one of my coffee mugs has the giant Block M. I'm still proud, even in these darker blue days.
Is Heidi cute?
Darker, blue days? Did you see that top ten recruiting class?
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