Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Appetite for Destruction

Time for another installment of "My 30th Year: What Have I Done?"

After mulling over the options for what to do with our dysfunctional shower, I came to the conclusion that I could do only one thing, and that I would do that one thing...alone. Destroy it. Destroy it all. So I did. Sort of. Don't you. Hate it. When. Advertisers. Use. One or. Two. Word Sentences. With. Periods. For. Emphasis.

Yep. Where there used to be 3 walls and a floor of tile encased with glass sliding doors, we now feature gaping studs with disintegrating insulation and exposed plumbing. Great success! (see pic above) I'm now officially done with what my own hands can achieve. You know what's fun? Dropping a 5 ft. section of drywall, with ceramic tile attached, off the upstairs balcony onto the concrete patio below.

I was in Chicago last week on a photo shoot for work, and should have been blogging. Unfortunately, I spent most of my free time digesting dough and chocolate. I consumed more cookies and brownies in three days than any man ever should, especially if that man wants to indulge in the skinny jeans craze. Don't worry, I don't.

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