Sunday, October 5, 2008

6 Cities in 18 Days

Time to hit the road again. This time I'll be facing groups of franchisees who will be demanding answers and explanations for our company's bankruptcy (which they are emerging from...), and who are facing a bleak retail season. Can't wait! Should be nothing but laughs and hugs. I'm also not looking forward to the extended time away from the wife and kids (I love saying that). At least I have the weekends, and a regular trip to Chicago for fun/family time at the end of it all.

Just for kicks, and since I have already scheduled some visits for friends in various cities, here's a glance at my itinerary:
Mon. Oct. 6: Detroit...
Wed. Oct. 8: Chicago
Fri. Oct. 10: Back home
Mon. Oct. 13: Orlando...
Wed. Oct. 15: Baltimore
Fri. Oct. 17: Back home
Mon. Oct. 20: Cleveland...
Wed. Oct. 22: Newark...
Thurs. Oct. 23: Chicago again (for fun, not work!)

We're not regionally assigned at the corporate office, but due to scheduling needs, my marketing co-worker has San Fran, Phoenix, St. Louis, Dallas, Los Angeles, and Seattle. I'm not complaining though, I mean, I get way more frequent flier miles.

I'm hoping a few good stories are dropped in my lap as I will have some time to blog in the various hotels and airports. My Stepdad-themed blog has yet to get off the ground as I couldn't figure out how to attach the URL I bought to the blogger format. I also haven't had time to design it. So that's going really well.


Relish said...

Wow, and I complain about traveling.
Don't worry about the economy though - We just spent 700 billion (wait, 800 billion when you include the pork) on saving the economy. Everything is fine now!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I love that you said wife and kids too :) You have an awesome family!

Jeremy The Keeper said...

Just think of all the airport beer you'll be drinking.